Thursday, January 6, 2011

First Time not Last

I did my computrainer class Tuesday morning. Slightly over 1 hour of non- stop bicycling. Since it is a new session, there were a couple of guys that have not ridden in a while. I was able to go faster than one of these guys and I felt great! I did 16 miles.

Mental: i couldn't sleep; it was 31 degrees outside; the streets are still recovering from the snowstorm. I was apprehensive about going out in the cold and afraid of how the streets would be. I had to plow through those thoughts and proceed out the door. I had prepared the night before to wear my new tri outfit; however I was feeling insecure of how I look in it. I ended up leaving my short sleeve, looser top on during the class, over my skimpy tri top. I was able to venture into wearing my tri shorts despite my feelings about my legs. My plan is to do arm weights and my Ana Caban core pilates workout to improve my 'physique'. It's hard to believe right now that I could get to look better but I suppose I will try. It almost seems like it would be easier to remain insecure and do nothing. Trying to do something about the fact that I feel/am flabby is sort of strange. It sort of runs counter to 'accepting yourself as you are' - but not really. I have to think about that some more.

-- lemmefineout - Brooklyn

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