Saturday, October 22, 2011

Current Exercise plan

As I stated in the previous post, I am currently focussed on losing weight as my primary goal during these winter months.  Now that it is the 'off season' I can reduce the number of calories I take in and not worry about the impact it would have on my training.  You can't focus on building up speed or strength for a race while at the same time losing weight. 

Of the three activities, swimming, biking and running; I am only going to be doing my spin class for the bicycling during these winter months.  I did set up the trainer in the living room on the off chance that I may get on it, but I am not especially thrilled about this.  My main goals for this winter are to improve my swim technique/speed and improve my run.  To this end, I am doing strength training - weights, and a 'body sculpting -core workout' class at the gym.

Having a good core is the foundation for remaining injury free and being able to have good form in each of the three activities.

Tuesday morning: swimming 1/2 hour - drills: this link talks of various drills that are good to do on a regular basis.

Saturday: long swim

PLEASE check out this video (link below)- I had never seen anything like this up until a few days ago.  I tried it for the first time today, and it is quite hard, but it acutely shows you what angle your arm should be in during the recovery phase.  A running analogy may help visualize what I mean: - in running, the general consensus is that as a 'heel striker', you are braking on your momentum forward and thus creating a higher risk for injury, and slowing yourself down.

Swimming a freestyle stroke completely underwater lets you feel the resistance with the water in the recovery part of your stroke, and enables you to shift the hand re-entry to reduce the 'braking' action that would occur with a different angle.  It's hard to explain, but watch this video, and then try it the next time you swim, and you'll see what I mean.


Friday morning: bicycle spin class
If I can get my act together, I will commute to work.


Tuesday evening: speed work - alternating weeks
   week 1:  intervals : run at a fast pace for 5 minutes, then recovery pace for 1 minute.  Alternate for 3.35 miles,  which is 1 loop of the park that I run in.

   week 2: hill repeats - run up the same hill, approximately 1/2 mile long 4-6 times

Thursday morning: 4-6 mile run

Sat/Sun runs 5-7 miles
every other weekend: long run: 10 miles on Saturday or Sunday.

Strength Training:
Monday evening - weights
Thursday evening: body sculpt/core building class at the gym

So, what is your exercise routine? - I would love links to training tips that you have found informative - they always help.  Happy exercising!


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