Tuesday: R 3.35 miles ( one loop of the park I run in)
Thursday: R 3.35 miles
Friday: B 10 miles biking (round trip commute to work)
Saturday: R 5 miles
Sunday: R 3.35 miles TOTAL: Run: 15 miles Bike: 10 miles
This changed on Saturday because one mile into the 5 mile run I pulled a calf muscle. In the end, I did walk a total of 5 miles during that Saturday. On Sunday, I bicycled 10 miles - 3 loops in the park
This coming week, I plan on running the same for Tuesday and Thursday.
I plan on commuting to work on Monday and Wednesday.
Monday: B 10 miles biking
Tuesday: R 3.35 miles
Wednesday B 10 miles biking
Thursday: R 3.35 miles
Friday: R 3.35 miles
Saturday: R 5 miles
Sunday: B 10 miles TOTAL: R 15 miles B 30 miles
I want to keep this schedule through Thanksgiving where I will run the "Turkey Trot" race, which is 5 miles.
In addition to the above, I am doing arm weights following the runs and trying to remember to STRETCH after running. This is my weak spot!
I have been having ongoing problems with my calf. Mostly it has been due to doing too much. Increasing my pace; distance; frequency of running all in the same week. This is why I would like to stay the same for a good period of time without increasing the distance; and my plan is that all the runs and biking will be done at a leisurely pace. My most recent calf problem is due to jumping rope. It is probably a great way to exercise, but I overdid it and blew both my calves out the week before. Really sad. Very very sad. I keep on doing these things - go FASTER!, get BETTER!, do MORE! - it doesn't really work and I end up going backwards in my so-called training. This is the vicious cycle right there - I can't run, and then when I can, I try to push myself to catch up.
Did I say that exercising is my spirituality? These types of struggles, and my attempts at overcoming myself are what bring me closer to having more serenity and peace of mind. Most life situations are not 'events', they are a 'process'. We are so used to instant gratification in so many things that it becomes difficult to just show up, one day at a time. I am hoping that I will be able to show up for myself - one day at a time.
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