Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Duathlon Race Report

On March 19, 2011 I did a 'Classic distance' duathlon 5kR/14mB/5k.
My time was:
5k Run: 33:46 (pace 10:54) 14m Bike: 52:38 (16mph) and 5k run 35:42 (11:32 pace).
I had estimated 36 minutes for the 5k's and 1hour for the bike. So I did better than that, and so I am happy about that.

Prior to the race, I had been pretty nervous about my nutrition during the race and pacing. I ended up eating a gel right before the start of the run. There was no warm up time, just 'START'.! Then the first thing that came up was this huge hill - it turned out afterwards that I reached my max HR in the first few minutes - 185. It was a pretty hilly route through the walking paths of Prospect Park in Brooklyn. Towards the end of the 5k, there was a pinnacle that you reached on a mountain where you could see the landscape of the surrounding Brooklyn neighborhoods. I ran

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Heart Rate Monitor training

There are so many different opinions out there on how to train for a triathlon. One of these is training using a heart rate monitor. If you google heart rate monitor training, you can find various opinions on how to determine your maximum heart rate, and there are sites that say it's too dangerous to try finding your maximum heart rate. Many sites concur that using the generic formula of 220-your age